Putting talent with opportunity

Senior lawyers need a trusted headhunter in their top pocket

Even if you are not actively looking to move we can keep you up to date with the market.

None of us knows what the future may hold. Sometimes discreetly meeting another firm enables you to make an informed decision that you’re at the best place for your career and to stay put. Other times people may decide to pursue an opportunity further. What’s important is that your decision is an informed one.

Unlike traditional recruitment agencies, we don’t have candidates sitting on our database. We keep a watching brief on your behalf, so that should the right opportunity arise we can advise you.

Should you be actively seeking a career move, we can formulate a preferred list of firms and then make a discreet approach on your behalf. Senior legal professionals need to manage their reputation in the market, so by taking out the ‘hit and miss’ element of traditional recruitment agencies, we help you navigate what can otherwise be a stressful and lengthy process.

Legal professionals increasingly understand the importance of being on the radar of a trusted headhunter. For a discreet and informed discussion, do get in touch.

Thinking about a move?